Sunday, July 25, 2010


What a day. Today started by going to the market and handing out tracks of the gospel. The general consensus is that the people in this culture are much more open to the gospel then back in Michigan. We had people coming up to us wanting what we were handing out. We looked back to find people actually reading the literature we handed out. It was really cool to watch. The market in itself was amazing, wall to wall people selling stuff. They had tarps hanging over the isles at about 5ft 6in. A continual ducking motion was necessary for most of the guys over 5ft 6.

We then went to a “weaver”, the made the fabric that the women use in their clothing and textiles. The ladies were all fitted with full outfits. They were a little nervous when they were told they were getting fitted.

This afternoon was amazing. At 3:30 we were involved in a ground breaking for the new school that the church is going to be active in building. This was a very humbling experience. We surrounded the grounds and held hands praying over the land and the people that will be involved in this adventure. We then helped dig a hole to bury their corner stone. That was followed by a 3 hour church service which was an amazing service. We started by singing “How great though art”, that gets some of us every time. Toward the end of the service we had a time of prayer; people were called forward who needed prayer. There were roughly 30 -40 people that came forward and we had the blessing of praying over these people. They didn’t understand what we were praying but that didn’t matter because God knew our hearts and theirs. It was truly amazing to hear God being praised in different languages. It gave me a small glimpse of heaven with many different tribes coming together to praise our God. Take a look at Rev. 19 and see what picture enters your mind.

The evening was concluded by another feast. The meal was in our honor with the pastor and elders of the church. We are being treated with the love that surpasses all understanding. The passion that the people have for the gospel is amazing. They are authentic in their relationship with God. They live it. They have fun and Worship God in everything they do. Our God is amazing. Good night everyone!

Pastor Mike.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, you ladies look adorable!!!! You need to model them at church,OK????? Blessings on all of you!! Corry O
